design service
Design Service
Frequently utilized by most of our customers, this service has been essential to success on many occasions. When it comes to all of our services, you can count on us to take care of your every need. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service, and guarantee you'll love working with our team. Let us know how we can assist you today.
contact us
company Kongsanguan Engineering (1993) Co., Ltd.
head office
1/1 Moo 1 Road, Tambon, Amphoe, Province ZIP code
telephone 0123456789 fax 0123456789
3/4" BSP/NPT male threaded Durable Bronze body and arm,
Size : 4.76x3.17 mm. Heavy duty Brass Nut & Tube.
Recommended Pressure : 2.5 - 4.0 Bar Bearing & Sealing washers are made of material for extending life.
Radius(M.) : 14.90 - 16.40
Diffusor screw to change the water jet from
Discharge Rate(L/Min) : 28.80 - 42.2 heavy droplets to fine spray (HT-20PC)..
Trajectory Angle: 25 Adjustable deflector plate to change the spray
height for adjusting throw (HT-20PC-ASDA)..